Best Food For Senior Dogs

Best Food For Senior Dogs

As our canine companion's age, they are likely to find themselves with different dietary needs or even tastes. Today our Doraville vets answer questions about geriatric care, and what the best dog food for senior dogs is.

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Best Family Dogs

Best Family Dogs

Often when parents consider adding a dog to their family the trusty golden retriever is the first breed that springs to mind, but there are a number of other breeds that can make fabulous family pets too. Today our Doraville vets share some of the best dog breeds to add to a growing family.

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Puppy Care Guide

Puppy Care Guide

If you've added a new puppy to your family then there are a number of things you will need to know and do to keep them happy and healthy. Today our puppy vets in Doraville share a guide that contains everything you need to know about puppy care at every stage over the first year.

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Ear Infection in Dogs

Ear Infection in Dogs

Ear infections are a common reason for dogs to visit us at WellPet Humane. Fortunately, most ear infections in dogs are easy to treat if caught early. Here, our vets in Doraville share some of the signs of dog ear infections and how to help keep your dog's ears healthy.

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Can My Cat Catch a Cold?

Can My Cat Catch a Cold?

One day you may notice your cat experiencing sneezing or a runny nose and wonder if they may have a cold. Is this even possible? Our Doraville vets share some information about cat colds, how your cat may have gotten sick and how you can help them feel better.

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Do I Have An Overweight Cat?

Do I Have An Overweight Cat?

Many things can affect the health of our furry friends, but did you know that something as simple as that extra pound or two can cause issues? Our Doraville vets talk about what happens when your kitty is a little heavy and what you can do to help your cat if they are overweight.

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Does My Cat Want Another Cat as a Friend?

Does My Cat Want Another Cat as a Friend?

Although cats have a reputation for being solitary creatures, they are gregarious animals who thrive on building intimate ties with other animals. Today, our Doraville vets discuss how you can tell that your cat would like a friend, and how to introduce them to each other.

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Preventive Pet Care: Planning For Your Dog or Cat's Checkup

Preventive Pet Care: Planning For Your Dog or Cat's Checkup

Preventive care exams or wellness exams for your cat or dog help your vet find and detect any illnesses, diseases, and conditions early. Today, our Doraville vets talk about why preventive pet care is important and how you can plan for your dog or cat's checkup.

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Routine Vet Exams: Why Are Dog and Cat Checkups Important?

Routine Vet Exams: Why Are Dog and Cat Checkups Important?

Routine exams are a crucial part of your beloved pet's lifelong care and well-being. Our vets in Doraville share some information about the areas in which routine vet exams can benefit your pet and why regular dog and cat checkups are important.

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Hyperthyroidism in Dogs: Treatment Options

Hyperthyroidism in Dogs: Treatment Options

When your dog's thyroid is producing more hormones than needed it can develop into a serious condition called Hyperthyroidism. In today's post, our Doraville vets explain more about the causes of hyperthyroidism in dogs and the treatment options available.

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